Poetics of Space



  1. Artist Statement for Poetics of Space

    For this project I chose to focus on the details in landscapes. I wanted to show all the beauty in landscapes with all the little things you can find in the picture of them.
    With these six photos I was in Pittsburgh, and there all of their buildings have lots of detail, so it made me want to take hundreds of photos, which made it very hard to only pick six to present to the class. I went with some up-close photos of buildings and some farther away one. I did this to show that you can see detail in different ways. With the up-close ones you can see a lot of small precise details, but with the farther away ones you can see the differences in the building types and the height of the ground they are standing on as well as the size and height of the building them selfies.
    Landscapes is one thing I can never get tired of taking photos of. They are almost always different form the last one you seen and you can take pictures of the same landscape form different angles and perspectives and it will look like a totally different place.


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