

Photo 1: ISO 400    67 mm    f/5.6    1/500 Sec

Photo 2: ISO 400    18mm    f/3.5    1/4000 Sec


  1. I think in your second picture you used a really good aperture to capture his face in the close up and kind of blur the rest of the background.

  2. Your first photo had the right amount of exposure which really allowed us to see the detail of the flag well.

  3. Hey, DJ! Your second photo is really good. I like how you have the focus on the little boy, but you also display depth of field in the background. The backward-moving energy on either side of the boy balances this photo out well and makes it more visually appealing. Well done! :)

  4. Hi there! First of all, that kiddo is adorable. Your usage of filling the frame, plus the portrait view and the bright lighting really emphasized his cute smile. Great job!

  5. I really love the lighting and the focus in the second photo! You did a really great job placing the focus on him by keeping the background out of focus.

  6. Photo 2: The lighting is spot on, the shadows are not too incumbancing, the subject is in perfect view with none of the background overshadowing him. I love it.


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